Student Registration Form



1. This application form should be completed by the applicant.
2. Use BLOCK (CAPITAL) letters to complete the form.
3. Attach photocopies of all necessary educational documents with the application form.
4. Choose the appropriate or write in the space provided to complete the form
5. If you are registered for a degree program your official transcript should be directly sent to us from your previous university or college within two months period using the following postal address: ST. MARY’S UNIVESTIY, COLLEGE OF OPEN AND DISTANCE LEARNING P.O. BOX 1211, ADDIS ABABA

personal information

Date and Place of Birth

Marital Status

Residence Address

Contact Address

Person to be contacted in case of Emergency

High School/College Background

No. Subject Year Taken Grade Registration Number
1. English
2. Mathematics
3. Physics
4. Biology
5. Chemistry
6. Aptitude
7. Civics
8. Geography
9. History
10. Amharic

Total Result for TVET

Information on Preparatory Education

Student Certificate

Physical Challenges

Employment Information

Educational background of the Family

Institution choice and study environment

Do you have the following at Home?
